UBC researchers supported by $40m investment from NSERC
Funding awarded through NSERC's Discovery Grants competitions.
Funding awarded through NSERC's Discovery Grants competitions.
Twenty-one doctoral students at UBC have received a Vanier Canada Graduate Fellowship, and three postdoctoral fellows have received a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship.
Funding supports 19 UBC-led projects in drug research, global health, obstetrics, medical imaging, public health, and Indigenous health.
Amanda Vincent becomes first marine conservationist to win Indianapolis Prize.
UBC researchers lead three projects supported by SSHRC Partnership Grants and a further six projects through SSHRC Partnership Development Grants.
Funding supports 20 UBC-led projects that bring disciplines together in nontraditional ways to explore new research directions.
Lukas Chrostowski and Diane Srivastava lead projects in in Quantum Computing and The Living Data Project