Attach a full copy of the application form to the RPIF, or a Budget and Proposal/Workplan if an application form is not required.
Title: Please insert a title as it appears on the application form, or as it should appear in a contract to follow.
Original Funding Source: It’s necessary for UBC to track where funds for research projects originate, and this may differ from where UBC ultimately receives the funds. For example, the funds may flow through a partner research institution.
Scenario 1
A UBC researcher has been successful in an application for funds from CIHR. CIHR is the Original Funding Source, and the Primary Funding Source, so the “Same as original funding source above” check-box should be selected under Primary Funding Source.
Scenario 2
A University of Toronto researcher has been successful in an application for funding from CIHR. For its participation in the research project, UBC will be receiving some of those funds from University of Toronto. Please insert CIHR as the Original Funding Source, select the “Other – please specify” check-box, and enter “The University of Toronto” as the Primary Funding Source.
Additional Funding Sources: Please list all additional partners providing cash contributions. This will facilitate the opening of multiple Grants for a single project using just this one form.
Funding Program: If applicable, enter the agency funding program to which you are applying.
Student Fellowship: For tracking purposes, please enter the recipient name and their student or employee number. For student and trainee fellowships, sections A through E must be completed. Required signatures include the principal investigator/supervisor, department head/school director and dean, as appropriate. In the Faculty of Medicine, the centre director signature is not required for student and trainee fellowships only.
Budget: Please detail only cash contributions.
Please select all appropriate funding sources and the funds to be received from each source. The total must include the indirect costs being recovered, and for each source these indirect costs must be entered separately into the second box. UBC’s standard indirect-cost recovery rate is 25% of direct costs for non-industry projects and effective May 1, 2015, 40% for all new, industry-sponsored projects.
For example, if the total amount to be received is $210,000 from an industry partner:
Select the “Industry” check-box
Enter $150,000 in the 'direct costs' box, $60,000 in the 'indirect costs' amount box, and $210,000 in the 'total costs' box.
(Indirect costs for industry projects are calculated at the UBC standard rate of 40% of all direct costs: $150,000 direct costs x 40% = $60,000 indirect costs, $150,000 + $60,000 = $210,000).
For Tri-council grants, Indirect Costs included in research projects are collected separately once per year at an institutional level, and $0 should be entered in the 'Indirect Costs Included' box. The only exception is the SSHRC-administered Tri-Agency New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF). Applicants to this fund should contact ORS about building indirect-cost recovery into their application.
For matching-funds grants and partnerships, please separate out the total budget and indirect costs from the different categories (government, non-profit, industry and UBC internal).
Note: Indirect-cost recovery should only be presented to sponsors if required by the sponsor in writing. Whenever possible, indirect costs should be built into each budget line item, and only the final “price” should be presented.
Project Length: Please indicate the length of the project covered by this funding application in months.
Approved Centres and Institutes: Each March, the faculty deans confirm a list of centres and institutes that are to be eligible to receive the 50% allocation of indirect costs.
This list is reflected in the dropdown options in this form and can also be accessed at
Main Institutions: Please include the primary institutions. If there is more than one primary institution, enter the percentage effort at each. If the research activity is conducted in locations other than those listed (e.g. Vancouver Island, communities, etc.), the default location to choose on this Research Project Information Form will be “UBC Vancouver Campus”. Until such time that UBC has identified a new location as a main institution, the form will be updated to reflect any additional sites at that time.
Clinical Project Grants: For clinical projects only, grants may be opened at a UBC Affiliated Teaching Hospital, or at UBC. For all others, the Grant will be set up at UBC. The location of the Grant will not affect the sharing of indirect costs between UBC and the affiliated hospital.